My storefront loves my blind bags so I am offering them online as well. Each mystery bag is full of random toys and fidgets from my store. You could get anything, it's a surprise! It is just a great mix of squishy balls, fidgets, slow rise squishies, bubble poppers, and the higher priced bags could have Nee dohs, Tangles, larger poppers etc.
Each bag has a total worth inside that is more that the face value you pay. Some bags have more items that are less expensive, some have more expensive items and just a couple other things, but they all total more than you pay. Let's just say the kids love them and come back for more.
I have them categorized into 3 "themes": Neutral, boy, and girl. I know there are no gender specific toys, however some kids really like unicorns and/or dinosaurs etc while others do not.
"Boy" Bags - They are heavier in dinosaur/bug type items. I try to keep the pinks/purples out of these bags.
"Girl" Bags - They are heavy in unicorn/girly type items. Colors are also heavy in pinks/purples but could have any color.
"Neutral" Bags - These are for anyone. It has a mix of colors and items. I usually don't put unicorns/dinos in these bags but you could potentially get something small (I usually save those for the other bags). These bags could really be anything.